jueves, 3 de julio de 2008

GSoC: Tracking in Zikula 7-

This the new trac into zikula usability

#12 UI User: Msg Denied component1
#13 UI Install: Change the 1st Screen
#14 UI Install: Change the 2st Screen
#16 UI Install: Change the 3st Screen
#17 UI Install: Change the 4th Screen
#18 UI Install: Change the 5ty Screen
#19 UI Install: Change the 6ty Screen
#20 UI Install: Change the 7 Screen
#21 UI Install: Change the 7 Screen Tour
#22 UI Install: Change the 9 Screen
#23 UI Install: Change the 10 Screen Final Installation
#2 Usability Testing Report
#24 UI Admin: Change 1st screen


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