lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009

Banco de Tesis del MIT y En Ingeniería de Sistemas

En mi amanecida dominguera luego de probar mi livestream. Estuve paseando entre algunas web encontré esta:

Es el banco de Tesis de pregrado, maestría y doctorado (no he visto post doctorados) del MIT.
También revisé esto System Desing an Management del Mit incluyen una maestría en Ingeniería de Sistemas así como doctorados. Tienen algunas tesis me sorprendió que tengan un concurso de tesis y un video sobre la mejor tesis :)

David Kim, SDM '07, recipient of SDM's 2008 SDM Best Thesis Award.
Research explores generation gaps in engineering

Generation gaps in engineering?
El texto de la Tesis está en el banco se puede descargar su pdf para lectura aquí.
Este es su resumen:
There is much enthusiastic debate on the topic of generation gaps in the workplace today; what the generational differences are, how to address the apparent challenges, and if the generations themselves are even real. Despite the frenzy, however, there has been relatively limited empirical research performed on this issue; in particular, no empirical research in the context of an engineering organization seems to have been performed. With that in mind, the main intent of the thesis is to determine the existence of generational differences among engineers in a large, technical organization, and discuss the potential implications of the findings. Extensive literature research and analysis identified communication techniques, leadership preferences, learning styles, and work motivation to be the key hypothesized differences most pertinent to an engineering organization. A questionnaire was put together based on these differences and distributed to a sample that consisted of approximately eighty members from each of the four generations: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Millennials. In general, data analysis revealed that engineers do not exhibit generation gaps to the same extent as described in the literature. In fact, much of the data suggested contrary views, most notable of which was the importance of face-to-face communication, especially amongst the younger engineers. Knowledge transfer across generations remains a challenge, however, and possible approaches to addressing this issue are through physical accommodations, extensive mentorship programs, and salient investments in Information Technology (IT).

También encontre que un compatriota estudió la misma maestría y tiene también su tesis en el banco.

Giving a voice to the poor : rural telephones and economic development in Peru
Paredes Sadler, Miguel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008)
Paredes Sadler estudió en la Universidad de Lima...
Aquí su resumen:

Although the current literature on technology and development has mainly focused on the Internet, I focus on a case where an "old" technology can be more beneficial and appropriate. In 1993, the Peruvian Government created the Telecommunications Investment Fund - FITEL, a fund aimed at providing subsidies to the private sector so that they would provide telecommunication services to remote and poor communities. FITEL's rural public telephone projects have had tremendous impacts on isolated and poor rural communities, providing an increase in welfare. The FITEL model has been replicated in many countries around the world as it has been considered successful by the literature and the development organizations. However, FITEL has also have drawn much criticism due to many problems that were unforeseen at the design phase of the projects. In this thesis we analyze how the political environment, the institutional arrangements, and the different actors affected the outcomes of the projects, providing some lessons to policy makers, especially those working on developing projects involving technology.

También se puede descargar el PDF.

Productiva la amanecida :D ...

La del sabado no me fue bien bendito algoritmo de descompresión :/

Lamentablemente ya no se puede aplicar a esa maestría solo era hasta el 10 de Julio... Pero puede ser para el proximo año. Dura 15 meses... Excelente :D ...

Por otro lado creo que el costo de casi 70 mil dollares puede ser una inversión muy buena a largo plazo.

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